Are you already tired of the social distancing brought on by COVID-19? Anxious and fearful about COVID-19 or just annoyed with the fact that it has turned your world upside down? This could last for weeks or months. The medically-and-morally-necessary social distancing and self-quarantining may provide you the perfect opportunity to get your estate planning in order. For some, the need for estate planning may be more urgent. Even if not urgent, you should use this new temporary, home-based lifestyle as an opportunity to prepare for your future, your family, and your assets.
Every adult needs a last will and testament. Without one, state intestate laws dictate the distribution of your assets and who gets custody of your minor children. With assistance from an attorney and by executing a last will and testament, you can dictate the division of your assets and who should care for your child should you pass away.
Every adult also needs a power of attorney and an advance health care directive. A power of attorney is necessary because it authorizes an agent to stand in your place regarding financial matters should you be unable to act. This includes the authorization for the agent to access bank accounts, file taxes, purchase and sell real estate, and apply for government benefits on your behalf. An advance health care directive allows you to appoint an individual to make significant health-care decisions should you be unable to for particular reasons.
While you are social distancing and self-quarantining, take the time to deal with matters you know are essential and move your estate planning needs to the top of your to-do list.
The office is open, and we are currently seeing clients. Contact us today, and we can schedule your free consultation and develop a customized estate plan for you. Your consultation can either be at our office or via video-conferencing from the comfort of your own home.